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December 18, 2007


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I agree that College football needs a commissioner separate from Miles Brand. However, I still am not sure I agree with your second point. We have debated this issue before, and I stand by the fact that if you allow players to leave a school at whim, the whole system will fall into a state of anarchy.

Players will be switching teams constantly whenever there is an opening and based upon the team's success in the prior season. If you think the system is in turmoil due to coaches changing at will, you have no idea what it will be like if we allow players the same option (without any buy-out consequences).

Marc Isenberg

Do we know for sure that giving players the freedom to transfer would result in a mass exit? (Everyone said that free agency would ruin sports...but of course it didn't.) Plus is it fair that the transfer rule only applies to men's and women's basketball, football, and men's hockey? BTW--We don't hear about anarchy in others sports where the transfer rule is not imposed.

My point is if coaches aren't subjected to barriers to "transfer," then players shouldn't either. I think a fair compromise would be to allow players to be released from the Letter of Intent or transfer should some material fact change (e.g. coach leaves or is fired or there is an NCAA investigation).

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