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May 05, 2011


Chase Wolfe

Great work. The last paragraph is similar to the college-parking decision: when at a college that you probably won't visit again, who cares about the ticket that campus police provides? Laws are only as strong as their enforcement, and the NCAA's enforcement of players post-crime is nil.


Agree with you that the rule change serves only coaches and that players would be better off if they were able to make an informed decision about future employment. Other students can do this; why not student-athletes?

I disagree with this: "the only basketball players who would be able to return to school would be young men who actually want to be in school and took steps to protect their eligibility."

I will now implore you to "come back to reality." Most of these players don't WANT to be in school ... they HAVE to be in school to if only to improve their draft status.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Go to school, get a job. Let's just not incorrectly "frame" the intentions of these players. If they are interested enough to test NBA waters, they would leave school if they had an offer worth leaving for.

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