You want to talk about someone who's all "Mavericky"? Hint, it's definitely not Sarah Palin or John McCain. The real Maverick is the owner of the aptly-named Dallas Mavericks. Mark Cuban gets a lot of notoriety for screaming at refs, disagreeing with David Stern and other basketball brass and also working the counter at Dairy Queen, but, above all, he is a thoughtful, savvy businessman. Cuban also writes the insightful and entertaining BlogMaverick.
Cuban was the keynote speaker at last week's ABA Forum on the Sports & Entertainment Industries in Los Angeles. And no one could get within a half-court shot of his ideas. While the panelists were discussing digitization, fragmentation of audiences and the impact of the spiraling economy, Cuban was talking about where the industry is going to be in 10 years. And if Cuban is right, it's not the Internet.